how many have dreamed!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

my new banner!

so guys i am going to make a new mini blog called... *tigerlilycoke's rare fanatic!*
this is the banner i made for it!  *CLICK TO LARGEN*

it took me a while to collect data for it so no h8! these are all me except for the very last one which is my friend jambotsrule! xD the page is currently under construction so dont peek!
luv ya dreamers!! ~tigerlilycoke


  1. Woah, were those wolves up there, you? If they were, you are an awshum rare jammer tiger! (not the snobby ones though :3)
    Ur only SoulCat

  2. haha they are me but they are me in best dressed ^3^
    ya i would love if I was like that though! haha

  3. Did you finish it yet????!!!!!!


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