how many have dreamed!

Monday, January 16, 2012

glitches galore! (plus otha stuff!)

ok so everyone basically know about the glitches in all the realms except the underwater one so i wont post about those... (i wish i could but aj hq is monitoring my blog and it will be shut down f i tell you guys)

 so  i wanna show u this rare horse plushie! i really want it!!!!

here is another glitch in jamaa township! instead of it being on the top half its on the bottom half so its kinda cool. (cecejones)

also i have a pretty common glitch but got a great pic of it!

sooo many things wrong with it!
1. the bunny is my wolf
2. my wolf is grey and white that they made a bunny
3.castle? what!?!?!
4. princess orangemountain
5. castles are apparently now 9,999,999 (i wish i had that many gems)
6. i cant scroll down!

ok so cecejones (a jammer)  has sooo many amazing rares! today she showed me one of those rares...
a nonmember leg armor!!!!!!!! you know they leafy ankle stuff... and its blue and white! not even available to members!!!

ok i am officially the discoverer of this new glitch!!! its at the play wild  party!

ok first thing u do is...

then u click the lights near the DJ stand across the room (sorry no pic provided)

then anywhere in the red do the same switch twice (change into your current animal)

then when you finish you should be halfway into the DJ stand... that is when u run in between the DJ stand

then u are free to roam anywhere in the play wild party! ( i know its not very big but its still cool)


1 comment:

  1. um i am sorry to bother but I have really wanted an artic wolf forever but never got one :( I am a kid and get no money and parents wont buy me one so can I please have a code? my email is please I will do anything.


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